
Friday 5 October 2012

3D Printing - Who pays the postage?

For those of you who don't know '3D printing' is a magic process that makes something from nothing.

Ok ok, maybe there's a little more to it than that... Most stereolithography (to give 3D printing its proper name) builds a real tangible object, by solidifying a gel one thin layer upon another. If an object (real or virtual) can be sliced up, then 3D printing can put it back together... But, don't limit your thinking - check my links below and you'll see the sky is much higher.

I've noticed quite a surge of news about the topic recently so thought I'd put together a few news articles too. Before I list them though - I can remember a 'think tank' (hmm - I wonder if we could map/print thoughts one day?) saying that in 40 years printing objects will be as common as sending emails... well I don't know about that, but I do think if we said 40 years ago that we would communicate through emails and text we'd be seen as crazy. So you never know...

03-10-12 Printing Guns... Warning: Red Alert.

03-10-12 Printing toys and LEDs - Disney Attacks!
13-08-12 Don't want to wait for you model to be delivered - build your own printer!

02-08-12 Virtual Characters come alive - Print your own virtual avatar!

02-07-12 Feeling Low? Print with Sugar to make a new Liver (Onions still need to be bought)

06-04-12 Feeling Hungry - Print with Chocolate! 

So, what will this new printing age mean to us? Will we really be as keen at 3D Printing as we are with emailing? Perhaps cost will be a factor, or maybe acceptance? I find it curious that last week the BBC ran two stories on the subject and chose to use toys and guns? One thing is for sure. The costs are tumbling and there are even machines now that can print themselves - maybe the phrase 'parts and labour' will be replaced with 'Printing and Labour' - although I suspect the use of these machines will be more related to the materials they use rather than cost (what good is a washing machine part made of cheese - other than a tasty sandwich).

Imagine a car showroom where you design your dream car and as you sip a coffee it gets printed next door... 'sounds like science-fiction? We'll see...

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