
Friday 28 September 2012

4K TV anyone?

A while I mentioned Sony's 4K TV ['4x fullHD resolution - 3840x2160'] hitting the mass market.

While some might argue that the content isn't available yet - that's always going to be a 'chicken and egg issue' - The sooner the TV's are out the sooner prices can fall and content can be made available for all those hungry consumers...

Hence now we have Toshiba following up with the promise to release 3 new 4K TV's next year (upto 84"). Compare this with the introduction of the first LCD's and I'd say in 3-5 years 4K TV will be affordable for the mass-market. I guess we'll have to wait to see for sure - but personally I'm looking forward to 8/16K displays - it's not that I need a larger screen - it's more that I'd like to drop the notion of a TV completely and replace it with an interactive wall. A true window upon the world...

Oh and as far as lack of content goes rumours are flying around that the New Playstation(4) might support the format. LARGE screen immersion may be sooner that you think...

PS - I wonder when TV's get so big and the images so clear that we stop to think what we're looking at on them..?

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